WPI Social Implications Of Computing
Course Documents
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2022 A Term Archive

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Date Topics Due Presenters
1. Friday
Introduction All Chapter readings include Interview found after questions unless otherwise indicated.
2. Tuesday
Critical Thinking 1. Chapter 1 - Catalysts for Change
2. Appendix A - Plagiarism
3. Appendix B - Introduction to Argumentation
4. Discussion Board: Movies
4. Sign up for individual presentation
3. Friday
Ethics 1. Chapter 2 - Introduction to Ethics
2. DRAFT: Paper 1: Computing Technology Timeline
3. Wiki: Computing Technology Timeline
4. Tuesday
Freedom of Speech 1. Chapter 3 - Networked Communications
2. FINAL: Paper 1: Technology Timeline
1. Aaron Brady - Social Media, Who's In Control?
2. Sasha Daraskevich - Freedom of Speech and Hate, Drawing the Line
3. Michael Sensat - Government Internet Control
5. Friday
Intellectual Property
1. Chapter 4 - Intellectual Property
SKIP Interview at end of chapter
1. Mich Toryu - AI Serving Art
2. Timory Goggin - Trademarks and Social Media
6. Tuesday
Privacy 1. Chapter 5 - Information Privacy
2. DRAFT: Paper 2: Self Search
1. Arnav Mishra - Smart Homes, Is Your Privacy Worth It?
2. Aidan Bryar - AI and Your Privacy
3. David Gibson - Targeted Marketing Gone Too Far?
7. Friday
Privacy 1. Chapter 6 - Privacy and the Government
2. Facial Recognition Debate Prep (draft paper optional)
3. FINAL: Paper 2: Self Search
1. Justin Healey - Practical Anonymity Feasible?
2. Cambria Pomeranz - Automated Justice
8. Tuesday
Crime 1. Chapter 7 - Computer and Network Security
2. Group Project web site through topics covered to date.
3. FINAL: Optional Paper: Facial Recognition
1. Michael Alicea - Worldwide Cybercrime and You
2. Cody Rueda - Cryptocurrency Money's Future?
3. Gus Montana - Connected We Fall
9. Tuesday
Errors Failures Risks
1. Chapter 8 - Computer Reliability
2. DRAFT: Paper 3: Code Testing
1. Cole Welcher - Self Driving Car Regulation A Must
2. Harshith Iyer - The Problem With Blockchain
3. Bryce Lukens - Banning Unmanned Drone Delivery
10. Friday
Professional Ethics 1. Chapter 9 - Professional Ethics
Read the newer Code of Ethics at: https://www.acm.org/code-of-ethics instead.
2. Game Debate Prep (paper optional)
3. FINAL: Paper 3: Code Testing
1. Jonathan Hsu - Conscious AI Rights
2. Jacob Reiss - DARPA Justified?
3. Jared Lasselle - Ethical Teaching of Security
11. Tuesday
1. Chapter 10 - Work and Wealth
2. Group Presentation Draft
3. DRAFT: Paper 4: Automation
4. FINAL: Optional Paper: Game
1. Edward Smith - Big Tech, Free Market or Oligopoly?
2. Jai Patel - Will I Have A Job?
3. Witt Wang - Entertainment Ticket Platforms Shaky Ground
12. Friday
Group Presentations 1. Non-presenter Questions
2. FINAL: Paper 4: Automation - Note: Due Saturday 2022-10-08 11:59 PM
1. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) - Harshith Iyer, Arnav Mishra, Krish Shah-Nathwani, Michiba Toryu, (KAP)

2. Divergent (2014) - Timory Goggin, Jai Patel, Jacob Reiss, Cole Welcher, (KAP)

3. Arrival (2016) - Michael Alicea, Sasha Daraskevich, Michael Sensat, Edward Smith

13. Tuesday
Group Presentations 1. Non-presenter Questions
1. Unfriended: Dark Web (2018) - Aidan Bryar, Jonathan Hsu, Gus Montana, Cambia Pomeranz

2. Anon (2018) - Aaron Brady, Michael Gatti, Bryce Lukens, Cody Rueda, (KAP)

3. Angel Has Fallen (2019) - David Gibson, Justin Healey, Jared Lasselle, Haopeng Wang
14. Thursday
Student Choice 1. Group Evaluations
2. Group Web Sites
1. Michael Gatti - Gaming Crunch Time
2. Krish Shah-Nathwani - Digital Sports Betting
Weekly Time Guideline

 4 hours class time
 4 hours reading (2 chapters ~90 pages @ 2 minutes per page)
 8 hours practicing mastery of material
   - papers, group project, class activity preparation
16 hours / week

The Syllabus will change throughout the course as new interests are found and material is covered ahead or behind schedule. Changes will be made in class and recorded in the class slides. You will be responsible for the material in the assigned reading.

Students with approved academic accommodations should plan to submit their accommodation letters through the Office of Accessibility Services Student Portal. Should you have any questions about how accommodations can be implemented in this particular course, please contact me as soon as possible. Students who are not currently registered with the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) but who would like to find out more information about requesting accommodations, documentation guidelines, and what the accommodated interactive process entails should plan to contact OAS either by email AccessibilityServices@wpi.edu, by phone (508) 831-4908, or by stopping by the office on the 5th floor of Unity Hall.

The Writing Center offers one-on-one consultations, both in-person (in SL 233) and over Zoom, to help you improve as a writer. Writing Center tutors will read your written work, give you feedback about your document’s strengths and weaknesses, and help you chart a path forward as you revise. Consultations are free and open to all WPI students for all classes and projects, and tutors will happily work with you at any stage of the writing process (early brainstorming, revising a draft, polishing sentences in a final draft). To see our appointment options for both in-person and synchronous online meetings, go to the Writing Center homepage: wpi.edu/+writing

WPI's Student Development & Counseling Center (SDCC) staff are available for students in need of support: contact them directly and confidentially by phone at 508-831-5540 or email at SDCC@wpi.edu; or stop by their office at 16 Einhorn Road.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a free, 24/7 service that can provide individuals with support, information, and local resources regarding suicide. Call them at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or visit www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org. There is also Suicide Awareness & Prevention information on the WPI website.

If there is a chance someone is in imminent danger of suicidal action, WPI Campus Police can be reached at 508-831-5555 (or call 911 if off campus).

Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: March 9, 2023 5:06 PM
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